Author Archives: Tina Winslow

PyxisCare Anywhere Client Story: Jennifer C

“PyxisCare didn’t just help my dad as he transitioned towards end-of-life-care, they cared deeply about my and my mom’s well-being. They supported our entire family holistically, finding solutions and helping us to understand our options and make the best decisions.”

 Jennifer C.

My dad lived a great life but like most of our parents, had normal complications as he aged. That is, until he started exhibiting signs of dementia. My mom was able to take care of him at the beginning, but soon his symptoms worsened to the point that he started acting aggressively towards her. He wouldn’t let her help him, and for her safety, my mom moved into a hotel. At this point we were clearly in crisis.

I realized I needed immediate answers to help both of my parents, but as a business executive I couldn’t stop working to care for my dad, and I didn’t have time to research all the possible options that could help them. A friend referred me to PyxisCare for assistance.  I needed to meet with them immediately and get started – and didn’t have time to stop for an in-person meeting.  We met virtually and during their initial assessment, they asked about my dad’s diagnosis, his medical history, financial limitations, insurance options, and my mom’s ability to care for my dad. We enrolled in PyxisCare Anywhere on the spot because we needed maximum flexibility.

As a Veteran in his mid-80s, I knew my dad was eligible for VA benefits and Medicaid, but I did not know how or who to contact to get these benefits started. To complicate matters, my dad’s Veterans records were stored inside a VA facility in St. Louis that had been destroyed by a fire. The PyxisCare team had experience accessing hard to reach records and initiating the benefits he deserved. They oversaw the complicated process and paperwork required between the Medicaid office and the VA.

As a daughter, it was my responsibility to help my parents, but I was losing sleep and going in circles trying to figure it out on my own.  PyxisCare understands that getting answers is more complicated than just making one phone call, and sometimes you must dig deep to find solutions. They partnered with me, advising and aiding me step-by-step what I needed to do next as we moved closer to getting my dad the help he needed. They explained everything along the way, such as how an ombudsman can help, where do we get information, what documents do I need to gather, and more. They listened to me, helping to ease the stress and emotions I felt as I watched my dad’s health fail. And all of the support was provided virtually by zoom and over the phone.

With the support of PyxisCare Anywhere, we untangled his benefits and used Medicaid and VA to pay for a quality facility to care for him. Mom moved back into house and started focusing on her own health. Dad went into hospice and soon passed at the facility – his dignity intact with the support from the PyxisCare team. It was not a heavy lift for PyxisCare, but for me it was everything for them to support me when and where I needed their help most. Their care and service gave me peace of mind as I moved through this important life transition of losing a parent.

PyxisCare didn’t just help my dad as he transitioned towards end-of-life-care, they cared deeply about my and my mom’s well-being. They supported our entire family holistically, finding solutions and helping us to understand our options and make the best decisions.

PyxisCare Anywhere

I founded PyxisCare more than 12 years ago to help people in a way that I hadn’t seen done before.  Our team could make a difference – I was certain – and I believe we have. Over those years we’ve become much more sophisticated as a company, serving hundreds of individuals and partnering with many companies to offer peace of mind, better health and wellness.

We’ve also launched services that support every aspect of need from analyzing corporate benefits to helping elderly parents secure safe and affordable housing to planning for end of life. In many ways, PyxisCare Anywhere, our completely virtual service, is an homage to our roots. We have clients across several states and many of the conditions we manage require multi-state and multi-agency support. Achieving success for our clients requires a team that’s willing to work when YOU need us. Whether in person or virtual, it’s in our DNA from our original founding.

Technology has made our lives easier and over those 12 years, we have taken full advantage of everything and every service technology has enabled, while keeping our empathy and compassion at the very center of our mission.

And still, we keep innovating.

Part of what drives our team at PyxisCare is sharing our knowledge to help people better understand how they can live better. And in the past few years, how companies can take better care of their employees while spending less on medical expenses but investing more in health.

In the spirit of innovation and sharing our knowledge, this month we also launched a podcast.  That’s right! It’s a chance for me to interview thought leaders in medicine, healthcare, mental health and insurance so YOU can be informed as a consumer, and employer and potentially a caregiver. I’m excited and humbled to interview Ben Isgur, Vice President, Health Care Thought Leadership at Fidelity Investments, who is a friend and respected colleague for our inaugural podcast. Listen here to learn more about what’s changing in benefits and employee-paid insurance, including the importance of mental health benefits.

At PyxisCare, we do our work quietly and respectfully, focusing every energy into planning for and supporting our clients and their health. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to share our passion for wellness with you – in this blog, on social, in our newsletter and now, in a podcast we call Boundaries Vs. Bridges.

Thanks for being on the journey with us at PyxisCare.

PyxisCare Choice Client Story: John and Sally W.

Thanks to the PyxisCare Choice team we have a clear understanding of our end-of-life directives and a positive way to share our desires regarding future medical care with our children and other family members.”                                                 

–Sally and John W.  

Advance Care Planning bridges the gap between a person’s wishes for their end-of-life care, their family members, medical providers and legal counsel, and nearly 2/3 of Americans do not have an advanced care directive. In addition to offering a wide range of valuable services, from medical crisis management to the ongoing maintenance of chronic illness, PyxisCare Management provides personalized, comprehensive advance care planning (ACP) called PyxisCare Choice. Our experienced nurses partner with estate planning attorneys and financial planners to ensure clients are empowered to achieve their wishes. Recently we chatted with Sally and John W. about their experience with the PyxisCare Choice program.

What led you to PyxisCare Choice? We wanted a personalized approach to ACP, more than what just an attorney could offer. We were looking for a relationship where we could have an ongoing conversation about estate planning and updates in legal and fiduciary choices as our health status changes. PyxisCare Choice brings in medical expertise that you won’t find at an attorney’s office. A colleague who works with PyxisCare recommended PyxisCare Choice.

How was meeting with a PyxisCare expert valuable?  Thanks to the PyxisCare Choice team we have a clearer understanding of our end-of-life directives and a positive way to share our desires regarding future medical care with our children and other family members. Our meeting also pushed us to ensure we had all the documents we would need. The team was informative and navigated issues that we had not thought about. We now have peace of mind that our ACP has been taken care of and everyone is on the same page.

What do you expect the outcome to be? We now have confidence that as we move towards end-of-life care, our wishes and directives will be understood and carried out by our family and health care providers. Teaming up with PyxisCare is not just one meeting and done. We will continue to have ongoing conversations about our wishes and goals as our medical needs change. For example, if we become incapacitated for any reason, we know that the PyxisCare team will be there to support our family.

How does PyxisCare Choice help with family dynamics when planning for the future? Through the support and guidance of the PyxisCare Choice team, we can discuss our desires with our children and emotions during the conversation. Our family learned many details about the process that attorneys don’t usually cover in ACP. The bonus is that our children will be ready to plan their ACP through everything they’ve learned with the PyxisCare experts.

What did you discover about advance care planning by using PyxisCare Choice? The PyxisCare Choice team took time to educate us about everything related to ACP. We had a general knowledge before we started but the team provided comprehensive information about estate planning, the importance of advanced directive documentation, legal and fiduciary choices, and so much more. We are ready to move into our future with confidence and peace of mind.


2023: The Year of Wellness Everywhere

Whether it’s being tied up in traffic, facing a work deadline, or caring for a loved one, we all experience stress on some level every day. By taking care of ourselves and engaging in self-care, we can reduce the impact stress plays on our mind, body and spirit. According to research by ScienceDirect, practicing self-care improves well-being, increases longevity and reduces health care costs.  Most experts agree that there are five self-care pillars: Eating Healthy, Mental/emotional wellbeing, Physical/Recreational, Social, and Environmental. Let’s take a look at each pillar and learn how we can prioritize our well-being.

  1. Eating Healthy: Eating a well-balanced diet consisting of a variety of fruits and vegetables, protein and healthy grains can protect us from chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Eating healthy can also improve energy levels, mental focus and even sleep quality. Of course, most things in moderation is okay too.
  1. Mental/Emotional Well-being: This refers to taking care of our feelings and mental health through mindfulness, meditation, or a spiritual practice. Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting cross-legged for an hour chanting “om.” It can be as simple as mindfully taking a walk or sitting quietly and focusing on your breath by slowly inhaling into your belly and lengthening your exhale. Research shows that practicing these techniques can improve feelings of well-being and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  1. Physical/Recreational: Exercise lowers blood pressure, boosts energy and reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. The key is to find an exercise plan that works for you. If going to the gym and exercising around other people is not your thing, try walking or jogging. Yoga is an excellent mind/body/spirit exercise. There are many types of yoga, from deep stretching and breathing on your mat to a flow style where you move from pose to pose building strength and increasing your heart rate. If you don’t have a regular workout practice, be gentle with yourself as you may not enjoy it at first. Eventually, with consistent practice you will experience the benefits.
  1. Environmental: Taking care of the space around you and spending time in nature best describes this pillar.  Examples of self-care that can help you thrive and increase serenity include decluttering your space, adding plants, candles or other meaningful items to your home and workspace, and monitoring your social media. Additionally, research shows that being in nature can reduce your heart rate and decrease muscle tension.
  1. Social: According to Psychology Today, connecting with friends can boost brain health and lower risk of dementia. For those of us who tend to be more introverted, here are some tips to engage socially:
    • If you’re a caregiver, join a caregiver support group. It’s a great way to connect with others experiencing the same challenges.
    • Join a Meetup group to find like-minded friends at
    • Take a walk through your neighborhood, and smile and say hello to someone. It could lead to a conversation and a new friendship.

Making time for self-care should be at the top of your to-do list. The airlines have it right when they say to put your own oxygen mask on before helping someone else. You don’t have to practice every pillar to engage in self-care. Just choosing one or two activities, even combining pillars will go a long way towards reducing your stress levels, and improving your mind, body and spirit.

The FREE Wellness Resources You’ll Need in 2023

Stress, an unavoidable part of life, is our body’s natural reaction to difficult circumstances and it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, headaches and depression. To help mitigate the negative effects of stress, PyxisCare has discovered twelve FREE self-care apps and websites that we can practice daily.

According to research, there are five primary areas of self-care. They are mental/emotional well-being, physical/recreational, environmental, social, and eating healthy. Take a look at the resources below and find what works for you. Each resource represents one or two of the five wellness areas.

  1. Tara Brach Meditation – It Works! While there are lots of resources for meditation, Tara Brach is one of the best. Her website contains free guided meditations in multiple categories including basic, heart, and open awareness meditations. My favorite one so far, posted in January of this year is titled “What Matters to your Heart?” If meditation is your relaxation technique of choice, this option is for you. (Mental/Emotional Well-being)
  1. Yoga with AdrieneYoga is a great option for those who want to put some physical activity into their daily routine, but also want the calm, centering of meditation.  There are many health benefits for yoga beyond relaxation, including improved strength, balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. Yoga with Adriene is a free Youtube Channel offering high quality videos for all levels, all bodies, all genders, and all souls. Adriene urges her viewers and subscribers to “Make time for you. Go deeper, have fun. Connect. Fall off the horse and then get back on. Reconnect. Do your best, be authentic and FIND WHAT FEELS GOOD” So if yoga is your go-to way to fight stress, this Youtube channel could be the free resource you are looking for. (Physical/Recreational and Mental/Emotional well-being)
  1. Charity Miles: Start a Healthy Addiction If running, walking, or bicycling are more your speed, we recommend Charity Miles. Use Charity Miles to log miles and they will donate to a non-profit, thanks to the generosity of corporate sponsors who agree to donate a few cents for every mile you complete. In exchange, you see their logos. You can also use the app to run pledge drives. Charity Miles supports a variety of nonprofit organizations, such as ASPCA, Habitat for Humanity, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, UNICEF, Save the Children, and the Wounded Warrior Project. Knowing that your activity supports charitable causes might just motivate you to move every day. (Physical/Recreational and Social)
  1. A Crafty Way to Heal: DIY Bath SaltsThe relaxation benefits of a warm bath and crafting are divine. Imagine combining them to create a project that will leave you feeling accomplished and relaxed. The link below includes 31 Homemade Bath Salt recipes that you can make with things you already have in your pantry! With salt, baking soda, oils, herbs, and fragrances of your choice, you can create the ultimate relaxation experience at little cost. (Mental/Emotional well-being)
  1. Atmosphere The undisputed champion of relaxation is sleep.A free favorite resource is Atmosphere, which customizes your sleeping environment though sound. Sounds include waves, rain, animals, traffic, music, fans and even their special binaural and isochronic sounds which can reduce anxiety, relax breathing, and even aid in healing. You can pick and choose different sounds from different scenes to create the perfect customized sleep atmosphere for you at absolutely no cost. Happy napping! (Environmental)
  1. Free Playlists: From Pandora to Spotify Many of us turn to music to process and destress from a hard day. Only you know what music brings you calm and healing. No matter where you find your music, you can find a specially curated playlist designed to aid in destressing. Try Pandora’s playlists towards relaxing.  Spotify offers several relaxation stations.  Youtube has a channel titled Soothing Relaxation. FREE, FREE and FREE. (Environmental and Mental/Emotional well-being)
  1. Coloring Book for Adults: A Free App The benefits of coloring for the mind are unquestionable. I’ve done the research and this app has MORE free options than other coloring apps.Coloring Books for Adults offers 168 colors – and all are free! You get 8 free drawings in the Relaxatimtheon category, plus several other categories. If you DO become addicted, you can buy a subscription and expand your choices. This coloring app is available on both iOS and Android. (Mental/Emotional well-being)
  1. Deepak ChopraBe guided by a guru As a medical doctor, Deepak Chopra shares research based knowledge of how stress affects the mind and body. To counter symptoms of stress, Deepak offers guided meditations, articles, and podcasts that intersect physical health, spirituality and mental health. Reading his website is like taking a university class! Deepak is the founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit devoted to researching well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a health company focusing on health, spirituality, and wellness. One of my favorite Deepak quotes is, “Treat every moment as a gift, that is why it is called the present.”
    (Healthy Eating, Mental/Emotional well-being and Environmental)
  1. – Cope with your feelings better. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to cope with your feelings?  There’s an app to help you with this! is designed by therapists to help you describe and define your feelings, which can lower their intensity and create higher emotional intelligence. When we experience strong emotions, our brain can go into fight or flight, and it’s hard to think rationally. uses an intuitive emotions explorer to help you identify and process your feelings. We all experience emotions in various degrees throughout the day. This app simply helps us understand them better. (Mental/Emotional well-being and Socia)l
  1. Meetup Whatever intrigues you, there’s a group for you. Looking to connect with new people with like-minded interests? Meetup is a social networking site that allows you to find and join groups with your own personal interests. We are made to connect with others, and the benefits of social interaction include creating a sense of belonging and safety, decreased risk of dementia and overall better mental health. Whether your hobby is studying butterflies, watching your favorite sports team, or finding friends to bicycle with, there’s probably a group for you. (Social)
  1. Cronometer – Set and reach your health goals. We all like to create goals for better health in January. We pledge to eat healthier, exercise more, walk daily, etc. But, if you’re like me, life can sometimes get in the way of meeting these goals. I recently discovered, Cronometer, a powerful health and fitness app where you input your daily food intake, establish fitness goals and track your progress. It connects with other popular fitness tracking devices. The app is free but you can pay to upgrade to more advanced options. (Eating Healthy and Physical/Recreationa)l
  1. FitOn: The best free workouts. If you want to exercise but you’re unsure of how or what to do, try the FitOn app. It gives you unlimited access to the world’s best workouts,
    guided meditations, and articles on healthy eating and meal planning.  Trouble sleeping? You’ll even find suggestions on this topic. The app contains a wealth of resources that is sure to meet your needs. (Eating Healthy, Mental/Emotional well-being and Physical/Recreational)

As we move into 2023, try to make self-care a priority in your life. Hopefully one of these self-care tools will speak directly to you. It doesn’t matter which resource you use, do SOMETHING. Whether it’s five minutes of deep breathing, or a girl’s getaway, you will benefit with better mental health, lower blood pressure, and more peace in your life.


Wellness Everywhere: Welcome to 2023

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year from the PyxisCare Management team and welcome to 2023, the Year of Wellness Everywhere.

Wellness, well-being and improved health has been trending for a few years now.  But the challenges of the past few years (covid, social change and increased stress) have finally aligned in a positive way, to make prioritizing well-being an expectation rather than a novelty.

Thanks to technology, many of us have jobs where we can work from home. This made it even easier for PyxisCare to launch PyxisCare Anywhere and serve clients when and where they need it most.  Our Employer Solutions division helped our clients become healthier and helped our businesses save money on escalating healthcare costs.  Above all, our Nurse Client Advocates (NCA), Relationship Managers  and Client Service Coordinators (CSC) served clients diligently, compassionately and expertly.

Wellness is NOT a luxury – it’s a normal part of life and every one of us deserves it.  I expect 2023 to prove this out – we are already seeing companies step up to offer more support to employees and families bring in expert help. Mental health remains a priority.

2022 was a particularly challenging year for me and my family, with the loss of my mother-in-law and very recently, a dear friend and co-worker, Sarah Herrington. For those who knew Sarah, we all share in this painful loss both personally and professionally. The sudden loss of my mother-in-law, Marie, meant taking care of my husband, my father-in-law, my children and myself – including a relocation to our home. Even when you’re prepared, grief is hard. Caregiving is a calling and though I do it for a living, it’s still emotionally taxing and I simply miss her.

Beyond what words can convey, I am proud of our team and grateful for our clients. From the PyxisCare team and from me personally, thank you for a wonderful year.  Join me in looking forward to 2023 – another year of growth and wonder for us all.

Warmly, Mindy

Meet the team: Linda R., RN

“Everything is built on relationships. It’s important to truly know clients and to understand their needs. We can really hone in on what the client needs and
think outside the box to help these families that are going through this difficult period of time.”

As a seasoned nursing professional, Linda brings more than decade of diverse experience to the healthcare field. After graduating from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing, she embarked on a dynamic career path marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for patient care. With twelve years of nursing experience, she has honed her skills across various specialties, including clinical care, labor and delivery, forensics, case management, and nurse education.

Throughout her career journey, Linda has demonstrated versatility and dedication in every role
she has undertaken. Her experience reflects adaptability and proficiency in handling complex
healthcare scenarios. Linda’s unwavering commitment to the nursing profession and her diverse skill set make her an invaluable asset to the well-being and quality of care for countless patients. Linda’s dedication to client care and the significance of building strong relationships in their role at PyxisCare Management. Linda emphasizes the importance of understanding clients’ needs and providing support through various life stages, particularly during crisis periods. Her decision to work with PyxisCare Management stems from a genuine enjoyment of building relationships with clients and being able to make a positive impact on their lives.

Throughout her career, she has found fulfillment in helping families navigate complex situations and easing their anxieties by offering practical solutions and emotional support. She values the personalized approach that PyxisCare Management offers, allowing her to truly connect with clients and address their individual needs. Linda’s belief in the importance of effective communication and advocacy shines through as she expresses the value PyxisCare Management brings in navigating healthcare systems and accessing necessary resources.

Linda has a deep commitment to client-centered care and a passion for making a difference in
the lives of those she serves. As she continues her journey with PyxisCare Management, she remains dedicated to fostering meaningful relationships and providing invaluable support to families in need as demonstrated by her saying “Everything is built on relationships. It’s important to truly know clients and to understand their needs. We can really hone in on what the client needs and think outside the box to help these families that are going through this difficult period.”