My career has spanned more than twenty years of experience as a nursing professional with a variety of roles in clinical, compliance, regulatory, managerial, and risk management areas of nursing expertise.
My greatest motivation has always been helping and connecting with people. At PyxisCare, we have a unique opportunity to combine every aspect learned in our professional and personal lives and help clients navigate a complex system.
I started my career in the military, with six years of active duty and two in the reserve. Once I left the military, I knew my next step was nursing school. I grew up in a family of nurses with my mother and aunt as my most impressive role models. Nursing felt like a natural progression in my life as I wanted to make an impact on people’s lives and help the most I could. I quickly found that behavioral health was the area I wanted to focus on because of the direct effect I could have on a patient.
At the core of who I am, I lead with compassion. I aim to be a person who serves in her community to make a difference for as many as possible. PyxisCare has given an opportunity for me to do that on a daily basis and I am excited to be a nurse client advocate (NCA).
Through my experience, I am able to understand the complexities of the healthcare system and provide a bridge for clients to better take charge of their needs without the worry of being misunderstood or misguided. Ultimately, my job is to help and that is the only job I have ever wanted to do.