Mindy Blog: 2024, New Year, New Resilience 

Typically at this time of the year, my messages have been advocating self-care, wellness and tips to achieve both of those things. This year, my mind is focused on RESILIENCE. Because life is happening right now and it’s just a wonderful and complicated as ever.

My husband and children are healthy, but we are all caring for an ailing parent/grandparent and we’re worried about our loved one. It’s causing stress, on top of the stress of having a home construction project that’s now nearly a year behind. And last week, my car was rear-ended but I am so grateful that no one was hurt.

Keep in mind, I’m not complaining.  I’m sharing how life has been happening to me and my loved ones over the past few months. As our parents age, my kids grow older and the years pass, life can get more complicated. My team and I work every day with families who are grappling with life and death situations. We are counseling employers on how to ensure their teams get the best care possible, especially those who have extraordinary health and wellness challenges.

I only need to look as far as our clients to learn resilience. PyxisCare is helping them and guiding them, but our clients are a constant reminder that people are smart, strong and resilient, even in the face of complex challenges.

My goal in 2024 is to lean on my resilience and be present with my family as we experience another year of transitions, beauty and growth. My wish for you is that if you or loved ones should encounter challenges, that you will also have the relationships and support you need.

So happy new year to you, PyxisCare friends, and thank you for being part of my network of friends and colleagues.