Meet the team: Linda R., RN

“Everything is built on relationships. It’s important to truly know clients and to understand their needs. We can really hone in on what the client needs and
think outside the box to help these families that are going through this difficult period of time.”

As a seasoned nursing professional, Linda brings more than decade of diverse experience to the healthcare field. After graduating from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing, she embarked on a dynamic career path marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for patient care. With twelve years of nursing experience, she has honed her skills across various specialties, including clinical care, labor and delivery, forensics, case management, and nurse education.

Throughout her career journey, Linda has demonstrated versatility and dedication in every role
she has undertaken. Her experience reflects adaptability and proficiency in handling complex
healthcare scenarios. Linda’s unwavering commitment to the nursing profession and her diverse skill set make her an invaluable asset to the well-being and quality of care for countless patients. Linda’s dedication to client care and the significance of building strong relationships in their role at PyxisCare Management. Linda emphasizes the importance of understanding clients’ needs and providing support through various life stages, particularly during crisis periods. Her decision to work with PyxisCare Management stems from a genuine enjoyment of building relationships with clients and being able to make a positive impact on their lives.

Throughout her career, she has found fulfillment in helping families navigate complex situations and easing their anxieties by offering practical solutions and emotional support. She values the personalized approach that PyxisCare Management offers, allowing her to truly connect with clients and address their individual needs. Linda’s belief in the importance of effective communication and advocacy shines through as she expresses the value PyxisCare Management brings in navigating healthcare systems and accessing necessary resources.

Linda has a deep commitment to client-centered care and a passion for making a difference in
the lives of those she serves. As she continues her journey with PyxisCare Management, she remains dedicated to fostering meaningful relationships and providing invaluable support to families in need as demonstrated by her saying “Everything is built on relationships. It’s important to truly know clients and to understand their needs. We can really hone in on what the client needs and think outside the box to help these families that are going through this difficult period.”