Bridging the Distance: Leveraging Technology to Curb Stress, Combat Isolation

Bridging the Distance: Leveraging Technology to Curb Stress, Combat Isolation Two months into our social distancing rout [...]

Must-Have Online Mental Health, Well-Being Resources

Must-Have Online Mental Health, Well-Being Resources A year ago, fewer than 10 percent of all Americans had tried    � [...]

Bridging the Distance: Leveraging Technology to Curb Stress, Combat Isolation

Bridging the Distance: Leveraging Technology to Curb Stress, Combat Isolation Two months into our social distancing rout [...]

Covid-19: Transitioning from WHAT NOW?! to…. WHAT’S NEXT?

There’s no shortage of information about COVID-19, and right now it’s important that we hear every fact and every op [...]

Food as Medicine: How vegetables, legumes and fish can help keep our bodies strong

  Global leaders are imploring us to stay home and stay healthy as a way to slow transmission of coronavirus. Whene [...]

2020 Tech Trends in Managing Elder Care

      A friend’s 77-year-old mother had close call recently.  She slipped in her bathtub but caught herself on the [...]

Fiduciaries: Self-care for Those Managing Others’ Affairs

  As each of us navigates our personal needs during the coronavirus pandemic, we at PyxisCare honor those serving i [...]

When Help Arrives: A Love(s) Letter to Customer Service

One of my favorite things to talk about is self-care. I mean, I talk about it a lot. At leadership events, as a mentor, [...]

The “Care Economy” Should Companies Really Care?

From my point of view, the short answer is YES.  And the good news is that many are beginning to incorporate “Care Ec [...]

The Self Care Trend: Is It Working?

No doubt about it, the self-care trend is on the rise. Just this week I received an invitation to a conference educating [...]