Stephanie Cook

“Our more mature clients have had the opportunity to reflect over
their lives, and I have compassion for their stories and experiences.
It’s an honor to provide resources and guidance to these clients.”

Stephanie Cook, PyxisCare’s newest Nurse Client Advocate, brings more than 16 years of teaching experience along with the ability to see the humanity and unique needs of every person she works with. She can take a complicated medical process and deliver it in understandable terms and easy-to-follow instructions, knowing that clients are not medical professionals.

What lead you to pursue a nursing career? I grew up close to my dad, and he encouraged me to pursue a nursing career. I have such respect for him, it was an easy choice to pursue a bachelor’s degree in this field. After I graduated and began working, I quickly realized this was God’s calling for me and my dad was right. For 24 years I’ve treated patients in med surgical, cardiac ICU, home health, and nursing homes. Additionally, I’ve taught nursing and medical classes at a junior college for 16 years.

Tell us about your role at PyxisCare As a Nurse Client Advocate, I first meet with families to understand their situation. Our medical system is complicated and difficult to navigate. I serve as a bridge to our messy system and collaborate with the PyxisCare team to find whole-person integrated solutions, meeting clients where they are. We serve families in five areas: medical, environmental, financial, psycho-social, and legal. Some families need help in all the areas and some in just one or two areas.

I particularly like that PyxisCare pairs clients with team members who can best serve their needs. My specialty is adults and geriatrics, but I’m also qualified to serve in other areas. To best support our clients, we partner with other team members with specialties such as mental health, pediatrics, and hospice. This ensures that clients are getting the best expertise for what they need.

Can you give us some examples of how you help families? We help families understand how they can get services such as Medicaid, assistance with meals and groceries, and finding a caregiver. If they need a ramp or other home accommodations, we find solutions. Often clients don’t understand what’s available to them. For example, a client came to us with a health issue that surgery could correct. The family did not realize surgery was an option and we explained how surgery could help and researched surgeon options.

What do you love about nursing and what unique skills do you bring to PyxisCare? Our older clients have had the opportunity to reflect over their lives, and I have compassion for their stories and experiences. It’s an honor to provide resources and guidance to these clients. Sometimes our clients are challenged with loss, grief, financial issues, and loneliness, and this can be difficult. Our team cares for each person holistically and provides the care and support they need.

Facing the end of life can be overwhelming and hard to understand. With my teaching experience I know how to break down medical terminology into easy-to-understand language. I have taught students who know nothing about nursing to students who know the basics. These skills help me meet families where they are as it relates to their situation. I communicate compassionately, seeing their humanity in all that I do. I am grateful to work for a company that exemplifies these values.