Angela W

“Our work touches not only the client, but the whole family. We have the ability to positively affect an individual’s health, but also the well-being of everyone in their lives.”           –Angela W., Practice Lead

My life experiences help me help others every day. I firmly believe that experience and compassion make the difference at PyxisCare.

I’ve been a registered nurse for over 12 years and am licensed in three states. As a nurse client advocate, I have to quickly build relationships and trust so I can best support client wishes. Through experiences at hospitals, geriatric dementia units, mental health facilities and hospice, it’s been easy to personally relate to any situation with a client.

I was blessed with a hearing-impaired child and have a special place in my heart for parents who are doing the best they can for children with challenges. It’s difficult for someone with no experience in benefits management and medical diagnosis to find their way. And that’s where I step in.

A few years ago, I lost my husband and my mother within months of one another. It was devastating, but that experience helped me deeply understand the challenges of navigating illness and our healthcare system. One of my specialties has become crisis intervention for families who are coping with significant and escalating life changes. I spend time at hospitals and facilities advocating for clients. It’s one of the most rewarding aspects of my job, to support a family though their toughest times.

Of course, the biggest difference is that you’re not providing direct care, but you’re influencing the full spectrum of their care. Especially with clients who are not in crisis but are proactive in their holistic wellness.

It’s my job to help people think about their next steps whether those steps are toward wellness or toward quality of life planning decisions. I like to think of myself as a “Healthcare Quarterback,” and I couldn’t have chosen a better way to help people.