Benefits Analysis

How We Can Help
- Evaluating eligibility and facilitating enrollment for disability and veteran (VA) benefits, waiver programs, social security and Medicare/Medicaid benefit options.
- Evaluate private and corporate benefits for maximum efficiency.
- Transitioning from pediatric to adult Medicaid benefits for the intellectually disabled

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What You Can Expect
Actionable recommendations that could save you money and improve your level of care without requiring additional financial investment. Services available for families, individuals and corporate clients.
Frequently asked questions
Who is PyxisCare?
PyxisCare is a care management company headquartered in Texas. We have been utilizing Nurse Client Advocates with a concierge approach for over 12 years.
What does your company do?
We help individuals and families navigate health challenges by providing management and expertise to improve health, well-being, and quality of life.
Why should I care?
The US healthcare system is in crisis. Knowing what the options are and how to access care and therapies gives you peace of mind while your loved one receives more of what they need.
What makes your company different?
The results that our clients experience. We deliver a team-based, concierge level service that is built on a relationship with a trusted health advocate.
Who typically selects the PyxisCare Benefits Analysis?
Families and fiduciaries that have questions about their loved one’s eligibility for both federal and state level benefits, and understanding the costs of care.
How long does it take?
With PyxisCare Benefits Analysis, the initial interview is typically scheduled within one week of engagement. Our Client Services Coordinator conducts a benefits assessment, completes an analysis, and either assists with program enrollment or developing care budget plans.
How do we get started?